
An up-to-date history of key remediation documents

This Library provides access to recent and historical documents submitted to regulatory agencies and certified by the Licensed Site Remediation Professional, and approvals and permits received from others. 

Click on the links below to download a PDF of the document.  This library will grow as Hercules progresses through remediation to site closure. Document uploads will be highlighted on the New and Noteworthy page. 

Documents marked by an * will only open as a PDF in a desktop application, and are not viewable in a web browser.

2016 Phase II Remedial Investigation Report

2007 Phase I Remedial Investigation Report

2004 Site Investigation Report

Receptor Evaluation

RCRA Operable Units

Letter of Interpretation

TNT Remediation

Permits and Approvals

PCB Remediation

Remediation Documents

Permits and Approvals

Documents marked by an * will only open as a PDF in a desktop application, and are not viewable in a web browser.